Trinity Lutheran College has developed a Statement of Faith which articulates our College’s Christian ethos and Lutheran beliefs.

Trinity Lutheran College Mildura Ltd (the College) is a Lutheran school and part of a network of schools associated with Lutheran Education VIC, NSW, TAS and ACT Ltd (LEVNT) that are conducted in accordance with the doctrines, beliefs and principles of the Lutheran Church of Australia.
This statement sets out information about the College’s beliefs.

About the Church
The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant Christian church in the world, of which the Lutheran Church of Australia (the Church) is the major group (synod) in Australia and New Zealand.

What are the College’s beliefs?
Lutherans believe that we are saved “by grace, for Christ’s sake, through faith”. In other words, there is nothing we can do to earn God’s favour or to gain eternal life. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has won all this and more for us. We believe that the Bible is divinely inspired, written and inerrant Word of God. We also believe that the Lutheran Confessions, contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, are true expositions of the Word of God. A Lutheran education upholds and affirms the Confessions of the Lutheran Church of Australia, as informed by the Doctrinal Statements and Theological Opinions (DSTOs)
issued by the Church.

The College adopts LEVNT’s statement of faith as an accurate summary of the College’s beliefs and how they inform the College’s delivery of a Lutheran education to the children and young people entrusted into its care. A copy of LEVNT’s statement of faith is available on the LEVNT webpage. These beliefs inform the College’s mission, values and vision.

What is the school’s role in the mission of the Church?
The College plays an integral part in the mission of the Church. Through the College, the Church deliberately and intentionally bears Christian witness to students, parents, teachers, friends and all who make up the “world of the College”.

The College offers a Lutheran education to all, regardless of ethnicity, gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability, provided that they and their families undertake to support willingly and freely the purposes of the College. Including employees who do not share the Lutheran faith in
the life of the College presents a further opportunity for the gospel of Christ to be shared, and the Church extended.

Nonetheless, the College requires all who teach in or administer its affairs to carry out their responsibilities and duties in accordance with the Confessions of the Lutheran Church of Australia as informed by the DSTOs, and LEVNT’s statement of faith. The College also requires staff to avoid conduct which may cause injury to the religious susceptibilities of followers of the Lutheran faith. Please refer to LEVNT’s statement of faith for more information.

Further Information
For more information about LEVNT and the Lutheran Church of Australia, please refer to the links below:

Lutheran Education VIC, NSW, TAS and ACT Ltd

Lutheran Church of Australia Victorian District

Lutheran Church of Australia